Testing Routes

Depending on the nature of your app, it can be helpful to author tests for individual routes (e.g., if you're offering a public API and want to test responses). To facilitate this, @joystick.js/test includes the test.routes object, containing methods for each of Joystick's supported HTTP methods.

  • test.routes.get() performs an HTTP GET request.
  • test.routes.delete() performs an HTTP DELETE request.
  • test.routes.patch() performs an HTTP PATCH request.
  • test.routes.post() performs an HTTP POST request.
  • test.routes.put() performs an HTTP PUT request.


import test from '@joystick.js/test';

test.that('the /api/books route returns books', async (assert = {}) => {
  const response = await test.routes.get('/api/books');
  assert.is(response?.body?.books?.length === 25, true);

Above, we create a mock test leveraging the test.routes.get() method, performing an HTTP GET request to the /api/books endpoint in our route. We assume that this endpoint will return us an array of 25 books and write our assertion to verify this.

Passing a body

To pass a body with your request (assuming you're performing an HTTP request other than a GET), utilize the body field on the options object passed to your test.routes method:


import test from '@joystick.js/test';

test.that('the /api/books route returns books', async (assert = {}) => {
  const response = await test.routes.post('/api/books', { 
    body: {
      title: 'Tough and Competent',
      author: 'Gene Kranz',

  await existing_book = await process.databases.mongodb.collection('books').findOne({
    title: 'Tough and Competent',

  assert.is(existing_book && existing_book?.author === 'Gene Kranz', true);

Above, we run a .post() request to the /api/books route in our app, passing a body with a title and author for a book we'd like to create. To verify that the route worked as expected (hypothetically, we're assuming it will perform a database insert behind the scenes), we check our database for a book with the title we passed via the body.

Passing headers

If you need to test a route that relies on custom HTTP headers, you can pass a headers object in the options object passed to your test.routes method:


import test from '@joystick.js/test';

test.that('the /api/books route returns books', async (assert = {}) => {
  const response = await test.routes.post('/api/books', {
    headers: {
      'x-api-key': 'abc1234567890',
    body: {
      title: 'Tough and Competent',
      author: 'Gene Kranz',

  await existing_book = await process.databases.mongodb.collection('books').findOne({
    title: 'Tough and Competent',

  assert.is(existing_book && existing_book?.author === 'Gene Kranz', true);

Above, we run a .post() request to the /api/books route in our app, passing a body with a title and author for a book we'd like to create and an x-api-key header with an API key that we assume our API will require in order to create our book. To verify that the route worked as expected (hypothetically, we're assuming it will perform a database insert behind the scenes), we check our database for a book with the title we passed via the body.

Passing query params

If you need to test a route that relies on query params, you can pass a query object in the options object passed to your test.routes method:


import test from '@joystick.js/test';

test.that('the /api/books route returns books', async (assert = {}) => {
  const response = await test.routes.get('/api/books', {
    query: {
      limit: 10,

  assert.is(response?.body?.books?.length === 10, true);

Above we pass a limit query param via the query object passed to our test.routes.get() method's options object. To verify the query param was respected, we check that length of the books array in the response body matches the passed limit query parameter.

Adding a user

If the route your testing calls for it, a user object can be passed along with the request being made.


import test from '@joystick.js/test';

test.that('the /api/books route returns books', async (assert = {}) => {
  const user = await test.accounts.signup({
    email_address: 'example@test.com',
    password: 'password',

  const response = await test.routes.get('/api/books', {

  assert.is(response?.body?.books?.length === 25, true);

Function API


Function API

Function API

test.routes.get(route: string, options: object) => Promise;


  • route string Required

    The route to perform an HTTP GET request to.

  • options object

    The options for the HTTP GET request.

    • headers object

      An object defining the HTTP headers to pass with the request.

    • query object

      An object defining query parameters to pass with the request.

    • user object

      A user object returned from a call to test.accounts.signup().


Function API

Function API

test.routes.delete(route: string, options: object) => Promise;


  • route string Required

    The route to perform an HTTP DELETE request to.

  • options object

    The options for the HTTP DELETE request.

    • body object

      An object defining the HTTP body to pass with the request.

    • headers object

      An object defining the HTTP headers to pass with the request.

    • query object

      An object defining query parameters to pass with the request.

    • user object

      A user object returned from a call to test.accounts.signup().


Function API

Function API

test.routes.patch(route: string, options: object) => Promise;


  • route string Required

    The route to perform an HTTP PATCH request to.

  • options object

    The options for the HTTP PATCH request.

    • body object

      An object defining the HTTP body to pass with the request.

    • headers object

      An object defining the HTTP headers to pass with the request.

    • query object

      An object defining query parameters to pass with the request.

    • user object

      A user object returned from a call to test.accounts.signup().


Function API

Function API

test.routes.post(route: string, options: object) => Promise;


  • route string Required

    The route to perform an HTTP POST request to.

  • options object

    The options for the HTTP POST request.

    • body object

      An object defining the HTTP body to pass with the request.

    • headers object

      An object defining the HTTP headers to pass with the request.

    • query object

      An object defining query parameters to pass with the request.

    • user object

      A user object returned from a call to test.accounts.signup().


Function API

Function API

test.routes.put(route: string, options: object) => Promise;


  • route string Required

    The route to perform an HTTP PUT request to.

  • options object

    The options for the HTTP PUT request.

    • body object

      An object defining the HTTP body to pass with the request.

    • headers object

      An object defining the HTTP headers to pass with the request.

    • query object

      An object defining query parameters to pass with the request.

    • user object

      A user object returned from a call to test.accounts.signup().