
How to use the fixture() function create test data for your app.

To create test data for your app, Joystick includes a function exported as a named export from @joystick.js/node as fixture. The fixture function itself returns another function you can call via the fixtures function assigned to the options you pass to in your index.server.js file.

Defining a fixture

Fixtures should be defined in the /fixtures folder at the root of your app. Inside of that folder, a file should be created for each fixture in your app with a name describing the target (e.g., a collection name in a MongoDB database or a table name in a PostgreSQL database like /fixtures/books.js).

Example fixture at /fixtures/books.js

import joystick, { fixture } from "@joystick.js/node";
import { faker } from '@faker-js/faker';
import random_book_title '../lib/random_book.js';

const books = fixture({
  target: "books",
  quantity: 25,
  template: (fixture = {}, index = 0, input = {}) => {
    return {
      title: random_book_title(),
      author: faker.person.fullName(),
  skip: async (fixture = {}, input = {}) => {
    const total = await process.databases.mongodb.collection(fixture?.options?.target).countDocuments({});
    return total >= fixture?.options?.quantity;
  on_create: async (
    fixture = {},
    data_to_create = [],
    on_after_create_each = null,
  ) => {
    await process.databases.mongodb.collection(fixture?.options?.target).bulkWrite( => {
        return {
          insertOne: book,
  on_after_create_all: (fixture = {}, data_to_create = [], input = {}) => {
    console.log(`Fixture created ${data_to_create.length} books.`);

export default books;

Calling a fixture

To call a fixture, import it into your index.server.js file and then call the function returned by fixture inside of the function you pass to fixtures in your options:


import joystick from "@joystick.js/node";
import books_fixture from './fixtures/books.js';{
  fixtures: () => {
  routes: { ... }

When your app starts, after a connection has been established to each of your databases, Joystick will call the fixtures() function passed to above, triggering a run of any fixtures called within it.

API Reference

fixture() receives a single options argument as an object and returns a function that can be called to execute the fixture.


Function API

Function API

fixture(options: object) => function;


  • target object Required

    A string containing the name of the intended target for the data (e.g., a MongoDB collection name or PostgreSQL table name).

  • quantity integer Required

    How many copies of the fixture template to generate.

  • template function Required

    A function returning the data to create (e.g., an object of key/value pairs). Receives the fixture_instance, index for the current iteration, and any input provided when the fixture was invoked.

    Function API

    template(fixture_instance: object, index: integer, input: object) => any;
  • skip function

    A function returning a boolean true or false that determines whether or not the fixture should run. Receives the fixture_instance and any input provided when the fixture was invoked.

    Function API

    skip(fixture_instance: object, input: object) => boolean;
  • on_create (alias: onCreate) function Required

    A function that is called after the template function has been invoked quantity times. Receives the fixture_instance, an array data_to_create containing the result of invoking the template function quantity times, and if defined in the fixture options, a function to call on_after_create_each after each of data_to_create is created (e.g., after each insert into your database).

    Function API

    on_create(fixture_instance: object, data_to_create: array, on_after_create_each: function) => undefined;
  • on_after_create_each (alias: onAfterCreateEach) function

    A function that's passed to on_create that can be called after each of data_to_create is created. Helpful for triggering additional fixtures or code that depend on the result of data created in the current fixture (e.g., an ID to create a relationship from).

    Receives the fixture_instance, any input passed to the function when it's called on_after_create_each_input, and the original input from when the fixture was invoked.

    Function API

    on_after_create_each(fixture_instance: object, on_after_create_each_input: object, input: object) => undefined;
  • on_after_create_all (alias: onAfterCreateAll) function

    If defined in your fixture options, a function that's automatically called after on_create returns. Helpful for triggering additional fixtures or code that depend on the result of data created in the current fixture (e.g., the IDs of the data created to create relationships from).

    Receives the fixture_instance, the data_to_create generated via your template, and the original input from when the fixture was invoked.

    Function API

    on_after_create_all(fixture_instance: object, data_to_create: array, input: object) => undefined;