As a convenience, to identify the current URL, it's route params and query params, Joystick includes a url object globally on the component instance.


import joystick from '@joystick.js/ui';

const Navigation = joystick.component({
  render: ({ url }) => {
    return `
          <li class="${url.is_active('/') ? 'is-active' : ''}"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
          <li class="${url.is_active('/books') ? 'is-active' : ''}"><a href="/books">Books</a></li>
          <li class="${url.is_active('/movies') ? 'is-active' : ''}"><a href="/movies">Movies</a></li>
          <li class="${url.is_active('/games') ? 'is-active' : ''}"><a href="/games">Games</a></li>

export default Navigation;

Above, we utilize the url.is_active() method to decide whether or not to mark navigation items as active. Because we expect url.is_active() to return a boolean, if there's a match for the route, it will return true, applying the is-active CSS class to the corresponding navigation item.

API Reference


url: {
  is_active: (url: string) => boolean; // alias: isActive
  params: object;
  path: string;
  query: object;
  route: string;


  • is_active (alias: isActive) function

    Tests whether the passed URL string matches the currently active URL, returning a boolean.

    Function API

    is_active(url: string) => boolean;
  • params object

    Contains any route parameters from the route defined on the server. For example, in the route /books/:category, :category would be a param we could expect at params.category.

  • path string

    Contains the current path for the user (e.g., /books/fiction).

  • query object

    Contains any query parameters from the current URL. For example, when visiting the path /books/fiction?order=newest, order would be a query param we could expect at query.order.

  • route string

    Contains the current matching route for the current path on the server (e.g., /books/fiction would match the route /books/:category).

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