Global State

Under the hood, @joystick.js/ui includes a global state library called Cache. Similar to popular libraries like Redux, Cache allows you to create a "store" or "cache" for storing global data. It features a simple API for getting, setting, and unsetting data from a cache as well as listening for changes to a cache.

By default, Joystick initializes a cache for you and makes it accessible as a named export at global_state (and an alias on the default joystick export at joystick.global_state).


import joystick, { global_state } from "@joystick.js/ui-canary";
import Cart from '../../components/cart/index.js';

const Store = joystick.component({
  events: {
    'click [data-item-id]': (event = {}, instance = {}) => {
      global_state.set((state = {}) => {
        return {
          cart: [
            ...state.cart || [],
            { id:'data-item-id'), }
  render: ({ data, component, i18n }) => {
    return `
        <div class="store">
          <button data-item-id="book">Add a Book to Cart</button>
          <button data-item-id="t-shirt">Add a T-Shirt to Cart</button>
          <button data-item-id="apple">Add an Apple to Cart</button>

export default Store;

Above, we've imported the named export global_store from @joystick.js/ui. Down in our render() function, we've set up a mock "store" with three items as <button></button> tags. Up in our events, we listen for a click event on each button. When there's a click, we call to global_state.set() passing a function that will be responsible for "compiling" the updated version of our global state.

From it, we return an object representing the new global state. First, we copy the current value of state (if one is present) and then we set the value of cart to an array containing two things:

  1. If present, the existing value of state.cart on global state.
  2. An object representing the item we're adding to the cart (specified by its data-item-id attribute`.

This will get items added to our global state. Next, let's wire up the Cart component we're rendering above.


import joystick, { global_state } from '@joystick.js/ui-canary';

const Cart = joystick.component({
  state: {
    cart: [],
  lifecycle: {
    on_mount: (instance = {}) => {
      global_state.on('change', (state = {}, event = '', user_event_label = '') => {
        instance.set_state({ cart: state?.cart });
  events: {
    'click button': (event = {}, instance = {}) => {
      global_state.set((state = {}) => {
        return {
          cart: [
            ...state.cart || [],
            { id:'data-item-id'), }
  render: ({ state, each, when }) => {
    return `
        <div class="items">
          ${when(state?.cart?.length === 0, `
          ${when(state?.cart?.length > 0, `
              ${each(state?.cart, (item) => {
                return `<li>${} <button>X</button></li>`;

export default Cart;

Again, importing global_state from @joystick.js/ui, in this component, we add a change event listener to our global_state via the .on() method.

The .on() method takes two arguments: an event to listen for and a callback to call when that event occurs. Here, we just want to be notified of a change to the global state and copy the state.cart value over to the local or component state so that we can render our cart's items.

API Reference

Object API

global_state: {
  get: (path: string) => object,
  on: (
    event_type: 'string',
    callback: (existing_state: object, event: string, type_of_change: string) => void
  ) => void,
  set: (
    callback: (existing_state: object) => object,
    user_event_label: string
  ) => void,
  unset: (path: string, user_event_label: string) => event,


  • get function

    A function for retrieving the current global state value. Can optionally receive a path to retrieve from the global state value (e.g., cart). If a value is nested, dot notation can be used (e.g., my.nested.value) to access it directly.

  • on function

    A function for handling global store events. Takes an event_type (set, unset, or change) and a callback function to call when the event is received.

    • event_type string Required

      A string describing the event type to listen for (one of: set, unset, or change).

    • callback function Required

      A function called when the specified event_type occurs. Receives:

      • existing_state object

        An object representing the current global state value.

      • event string

        A string describing the event that occured (one of: set, unset, or change).

      • user_event_label string

        If passed, a string containing the user-specified event label (e.g., ADD_TO_CART or EMPTY_CART).

  • set function

    A function for setting the global state value. Receives a callback function that's expected to return an object representing the updated state.

    • callback function Required

      A function receiving the current global state value. Should return an object representing the updated state.

    • user_event_label string

      A string specifying the relevancy of the set event (e.g., ADD_TO_CART).

  • unset function

    A function for unsetting the global state value. Can receive an optional path as a string to remove from the global state value. If no path is provided, the entire global state value is unset.

    • path string

      A string specifying a path to remove on the global state. Can use dot notation to unset a nested value (e.g.,

    • user_event_label string

      A string specifying the relevancy of the unset event (e.g., EMPTY_CART).

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