
To aid in the process of server-side rendering Joystick components, Joystick overrides the res.render() function built-in to Express. Using this function, you can:

  • Render a Joystick page component.
  • Render a Joystick page component into a layout component.
  • Pass route-specific props to a component.
  • Define SEO metadata for a page.
  • Define custom <head></head> and <body></body> attributes.

Rendering a component

To render a standalone (without a layout) Joystick component, pass the full path to your component to res.render():


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': (req = {}, res = {}) => {
      return res.render('ui/pages/index/index.js');

Above, we anticipate a page component at /ui/pages/index/index.js. If the page exists, Joystick will server-side render the component's HTML and CSS and return it to the inbound request.

Rendering into a layout

In addition to passing the page to render, when rendering a page component into a layout, an additional options object can be passed to res.render() with a layout component path specified:


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': (req = {}, res = {}) => {
      return res.render('ui/pages/index/index.js', {
        layout: 'ui/layouts/app/index.js',

Joystick will server-side render both the layout component and the page component, passing the resulting page component down to the layout component via the standard prop.

Passing props to a component

If necessary, route-specific props can be passed down to the page or layout being rendered:


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': async (req = {}, res = {}) => {
      const active_sale = await process.databases.mongodb.collection('sales').findOne();

      return res.render('ui/pages/index/index.js', {
        layout: 'ui/layouts/app/index.js',
        props: {
          active_sale: !!active_sale,

Defining SEO metadata

To assist with search engine optimization (SEO), additional metadata tags can be added to the route via the head option:


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': async (req = {}, res = {}) => {
      return res.render('ui/pages/index/index.js', {
        layout: 'ui/layouts/app/index.js',
        head: {
          title: 'A Custom SEO Title',
          tags: {
            meta: [
              { property: 'og:type', content: 'Website' },
              { property: 'og:site_name', content: 'Website Name' },
              { property: 'og:title', content: 'A Custom SEO Title' },
                property: 'og:description',
                  "A custom open graph description.",
                property: 'og:image',
                content: '',
          jsonld: {
            '@context': '',
            '@type': 'WebSite',
            name: 'Website Name',
            author: {
              '@type': 'Organization',
              name: 'Website Co.',
            description: "A custom JSON-LD description.",

For SEO, the following <head></head> tags can be set:

  • head.title to set the <title></title> for the page.
  • head.tags.meta to define individual HTML meta tags (can be used for SEO).
  • to define individual HTML link tags.
  • head.tags.script to define individual HTML script tags.
  • head.jsonld to define Google-specific JSON-LD tags.

When your page is rendered, Joystick will automatically inject the specified tags into the <head></head> tag before responding to a request.

Defining custom attributes

If you need to conditionally add attributes (e.g., class names) to the <head></head> or <body></body> tag, the attributes option can be utilized:


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': async (req = {}, res = {}) => {
      return res.render('ui/pages/index/index.js', {
        layout: 'ui/layouts/app/index.js',
        attributes: {
          head: {
            class: {
              list: ['no-js'],
          body: {
            class: {
              list: ['is-index-page']

API Reference

Function API

Function API

res.render(page_path: string, options: object) => void;


  • page_path string Required

    The path to the page that should be rendered.

  • options object

    Additional options when rendering the page.

    • layout string

      The path to a layout component in the /ui folder that the component instance relative to page_path should be passed as to render into.

    • props object

      Props to pass to the page being rendered (and if specified, the layout).

    • head object

      Options for the <head> tag of the rendered page.

      • title string

        The title for the page.

      • tags object

        Additional HTML tags to add to the <head> tag of the rendered page.

        • meta array[object]

          Additional HTML <meta> tags to add to the page as an array of objects where each object defines a meta tag. Each object should contain the attributes for the meta tag where each property's key represents the attribute name to add to the meta tag and value represents the attribute's value.

        • link array[object]

          Additional HTML <link> tags to add to the page as an array of objects where each object defines a link tag. Each object should contain the attributes for the link tag where each property's key represents the attribute name to add to the link tag and value represents the attribute's value.

        • script array[object]

          Additional HTML <script> tags to add to the page as an array of objects where each object defines a script tag. Each object should contain the attributes for the script tag where each property's key represents the attribute name to add to the script tag and value represents the attribute's value.

      • jsonld object

        The Google JSON-LD tags for the page where every key should represent a JSON-LD tag and every value should represent that tag's value.

    • attributes object

      Additional attributes to add to the HTML for the page.

      • head object

        Additional attributes to add to the HTML <head> tag for the page.

        • class object

          Options for setting the class attribute on the HTML <head> tag for the page.

          • list array[string]

            An array of strings representing CSS class names to add to the HTML <head> tag for the page.

      • body object

        Additional attributes to add to the HTML <body> tag for the page.

        • class object

          Options for setting the class attribute on the HTML <body> tag for the page.

          • list array[string]

            An array of strings representing CSS class names to add to the HTML <body> tag for the page.