Advanced Routes

How to implement routes with additional functionality for things like non-GET HTTP methods and custom middleware.

If you need to implement a route that uses an HTTP method other than GET, you can use an advanced route definition.


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';{
  routes: {
    '/': {
      method: 'GET',
      handler: (req = {}, res = {}) => {
        return res.status(200).send('Howdy');

Instead of assigning a callback function to your route, assign an object. On that object, specify either a single method option as a string (can be one of OPTIONS, HEAD, CONNECT, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH), or, to support multiple methods on a single route a methods option, set to an array of HTTP methods as strings.

Your route's callback should be assigned to the handler property. The behavior here is identical to a basic route definition.

Route Middleware

If you need to run route-specific middleware, advanced route definitions support the addition of a middleware array containing standard Express middleware functions.


import joystick from '@joystick.js/node';
import custom_middleware from 'middleware-package';{
  routes: {
    '/': {
      methods: ['POST', 'PUT'],
      middleware: [
        (req = {}, res = {}, next = {}) => {
          if (!req.body) {
            return res.redirect('/404');
      handler: (req = {}, res = {}) => {
        return res.status(200).send('Howdy');

API Reference

Route Definition API

Route Definition API

  [route_path: string]: {
    method: string,
    methods: array[string],
    middleware: array[function],
    handler: (req: object, res: object) => void,


  • route_path object Required

    The route path to define as a string, assigned an object for its definition. Below, either method or methods must be defined in order for the route to be registered.

    • method string

      The HTTP method for the route as a string (one of: `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `DELETE`, or `OPTIONS`).

    • methods array[string]

      An array containing one or more HTTP methods for the route as strings for the route (one of: `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, `PATCH`, `DELETE`, or `OPTIONS`).

    • middleware array

      An optional array of Express middleware functions to run before the route's handler() method.

    • handler function Required

      The callback function for the route. Receives the inbound req and `res` objects.