Sign Up

To create new user accounts, the accounts.signup() method can be called from anywhere on your server:


import joystick, { accounts } from '@joystick.js/node';

const setters = {
  create_user: {
    input: {
      email_address: {
        type: 'string',
        required: true,
      password: {
        type: 'string',
        required: true,
      name: {
        type: 'object',
        required: true,
        fields: {
          first: {
            type: 'string',
            required: true,
          last: {
            type: 'string',
            required: true,
    set: () => {
      return accounts.signup({
        email_address: input?.email_address,
        username: `${input?.name?.first?.charAt(0)?.toLowerCase()}${input?.name?.last?.toLowerCase()}`,
        password: input?.password,
        metadata: {
          name: input?.name,

Above, inside of a hypothetical setter create_user, we take in the input for a new user and validate it and then inside of our set() function, call to accounts.signup() mapping values from input to the options object for accounts.signup().

API Reference

Function API

Function API

accounts.signup(options: object) => Promise;


  • options object

    An object defining the parameters for the new user account.

    • email_address string Required

      A string defining the email address for the new user account.

    • username string

      A string defining the username for the new user account.

    • password string Required

      A string defining the password for the new user account.

    • metadata object

      An object defining additional metadata for the new user account.

      • language string

        A string defining the preferred language for the user as an ISO Language Code.

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